April 23, 2016

make a super soft Polar Bear with Snowflakes {DIY chalk art} with Kindergarteners

"I just want to kiss and hug my bear!" exclaimed one of the kindergarten students. For real, me too. They look so soft and fuzzy. But they're not. If only we could snuggle up to a polar bear. I would be selfish to keep all of these adorable bears to myself. So I'm sharing...

This is a super easy art project for kids at any age to experiment with chalkboard chalk. They can create and learn soft and sharp lines with smudging and smearing. These kindergarteners (80+) had such a blast with this art project. I loved it because they ALL created amazing polar bear faces and are artists in practice! Whatever we can do to get them to think, draw, cut, and glue - super good skills for any age. 

Here's what you need:

  • black construction paper (main paper)
  • white chalk
  • small piece of black (nose)
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • permanent marker

hello there!

  • Using the chalk, (try to use most of the paper with the face) DRAW A LINE starting near the bottom and all the way back down to create the head (we called it a full rainbow or upside down U).
  • Then add the EARS on each side, same U shape.
  • Next use the FLAT SIDE of the chalk to fill in the head and ears.
  • Take your finger and SMEAR the chalk inside the head and around the edges to create a smooth and fuzzy surface.
  • Draw little circles for snowflakes/stars and then smear a little bit to appear glowing.

  • Next draw a triangle for the nose, round off the tips, cut out, and glue.

  • With a permanent marker draw details for the eyes, ears, nose and mouth (a little jingle).

Adorable Fuzzy Polar Bears

Aren't they cute? I love kid art skills.

Happy Bears